Toasting to Triumphs and Recharging for the Fight Ahead

It was wonderful to be in community with so many intersectional feminists doing the work every day in Massachusetts at Mass NOW’s Holiday Party on December 5th at Estella Restaurant in Downtown Crossing.

Thank you to Estella Restaurant for hosting us and giving us a space to convene and celebrate our feminist community.

We know that now more than ever, Mass NOW’s work is integral to protecting equity and acting for justice. The holiday party was a great reminder that Mass NOW was built for this movement, and we’re not going anywhere.

There is a lot to celebrate from this movement in 2024: This year we endorsed over 70 bills! And 10 bills passed, including:

  • An Act Relative to Salary Range Transparency

  • Massachusetts Parentage Act

  • Act Promoting Access to Midwifery Care and Out-of-Hospital Birth Options

  • An Act Relative to Gender Identity on MA Identification

  • An Act Supporting Parents Running for Public Office 

  • Read the full legislative recap here.

This year, we distributed over 200,000 menstrual products to over 40 partner organizations across the state. Additionally, we conducted menstrual equity trainings with incarcerated facilities, health clinics, school teachers, and more. We have committed to doing the work on the ground to increase access to menstrual products and education, this year and beyond.

Want to join us in turning your anger into action? Become a member or sign up to volunteer with Mass NOW.


56th Annual State Conference


Just Passed! Campaign Funds for Childcare Bill