Mass NOW is bringing its largest and most intersectional legislative agenda to the 194th Legislative Session, with over 80 bills aimed at building a feminist democracy in the Commonwealth.
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Reproductive Justice
Rep. Domb
Sen. JehlenSummary
Requiring menstrual products in all bathrooms of public buildings at no cost, including but not limited to libraries, courthouses, and public universities.Status
Bill was assigned to the State Administration & Regulatory Oversight Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Cruz
Rep. Sabadoda
Sen. LovelySummary
Funds midwifery workforce development and enhances birth center sustainability among other measures meant to allow for greater choice for those giving birth.Status
Bill was assigned to the Financial Services Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Lipper-Garabedian
Rep. Vieira
Sen. CreemSummary
Prohibits companies from selling cell phone location data, which could be used to target those seeking reproductive healthcare, among other concerns.Status
Bill was assigned to the Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Domb
Rep. Ferguson
Sen. ComerfordSummary
Requires informed and explicit consent for pelvic, prostate, and rectal exams on anesthetized or otherwise unconscious patients. Allows for the option of a medical chaperone for those who consent.Status
Bill was assigned to the Public Health Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Livingstone
Rep. DombSummary
Mandates the availability of contraceptive services for incarcerated individuals without barriers, including birth control, contraceptive counseling, family planning, and abortion access. The Bill would further mandate information on reproductive choices to be unbiased as well as ensuring voluntary pregnancy tests for incarcerated individuals.Status
Bill was assigned to the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Racial Justice
Rep. Decker
Sen. MirandaSummary
Eliminates arbitrary, unnecessary restrictions on visitation rights in carceral facilities, encouraging family and community connections.Status
Bill was assigned to the Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Lewis
Sen. RauschSummary
This bill addresses the lack of Indigenous curriculum in Massachusetts public schools.The goal is to develop a curriculum by working with tribal nations in-state and ensure that all children in the schools attain cultural competency in understanding Native history, cultures and current issues.Status
Bill was assigned to Education Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. WilliamsSummary
Establishes a comprehensive framework to address the disproportionate effects of COVID-19 on Black and Latine communities.Status
Bill was assigned to the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Holmes
Rep. Uyterhoeven
Sen. MirandaSummary
Establish an anti-racism division of the office of inspector general called the Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-racism, and Equity Unit.Create a Community Council with nomination authority.
Bill was assigned to the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. SabadosaSummary
Crate unarmed community based crisis response mechanisms to assist individuals experiencing mental and behavioral health emergencies.Status
Bill was assigned to the Joint Committee on Public Health and is waiting for a hearing.As of 2/20/25
Sen. ComerfordSummary
Creates a special commission to review and recommend updates for the State House’s art collection as to make it more reflective of the Commonwealth’s diversity.Status
Bill was assigned to the Tourism, Arts & Cultural Development Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Madaro
Rep. González
Sen. DiDomenicoSummary
Ensures that state agencies meet the needs of our Commonwealth’s increasingly diverse population by providing public information and services in languages other than English, as required by Federal law. This would allow for more equal access of state services for those who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing.Status
Bill was assigned to the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. WilliamsSummary
Establish an executive office for missing and murdered Black women and girls and create policies and alert systems.Status
Bill was assigned to the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Rogers
Rep. Biele
Sen. MirandaSummary
This would ensure that Native American funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony (those of cultural, traditional or historical importance to their heritage) held in governmental, municipal or non-profit collections are not sold for profit.Status
Bill was assigned to the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Montaño
Sen. MirandaSummary
Proposing a permanent commission towards improving educational outcomes and opportunities for American Indian and Alaska Native students. Broader impacts of the commission are the promotion of tribal self-determination by providing students with the opportunity to learn their heritage, languages and histories while preparing them for higher education.Status
Bill was assigned to the Education Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. SabadosaSummary
Gets SROs out of schools and let licensed school psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, and administrators do their jobs. Create a safe and healthy learning environment for all students.Status
Bill was assigned to the Education Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Fluker-Reid
Sen. GomezSummary
Removes sex-based grooming and dress rules. Such rules shall not have disparate impacts based on race, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity, among other characteristics.Status
Bill was assigned to the Education Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Economic Justice
Rep. Domb
Rep. Ultrino
Sen. ComerfordSummary
Creates an annual extreme heat energy assistance program for lower-income households to promote the health and safety of Massachusetts residents. This is becoming increasingly necessary as summers are longer and hotter than in the past due to climate change.Status
Bill was assigned to the Housing Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/13/25
Rep. Ultrino
Sen. EldridgeSummary
Creates an Office of Economic Empowerment to focus on equitable access to opportunities and resources for residents across the commonwealth.Status
Bill was assigned to the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Nguyen
Sen. FriedmanSummary
This bill makes sexual harassment unlawful and creates a compliance-based approach to discrimination regulation similar to the Federal Fair Lending Laws. Will make innovation funding more accessible for women and minorities.Status
Bill was assigned to the Judiciary Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Domb
Sen. FriedmanSummary
Addresses salary discrepancies between human services workers who are state employees and those who work at community-based organizations by providing reimbursements to non-state employees.Status
Bill was assigned to the Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Owens
Rep. Lewis
Sen. EldridgeSummary
Companies responsible for fossil fuel extraction will contribute to a Climate Change Adaptation Fund proportional to the estimated cost of the repercussions of their activity. Part of the Fund would serve populations affected by environmental injustice.Status
Bill was assigned to the Environment & Natural Resources Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Sabadosa
Rep. Scarsdale
Sen. EldridgeSummary
Healthcare is a human right. Under this Bill, all residents would have equitable access to healthcare services under a state-managed single-payer system.Status
Bill was assigned to the Health Care Financing Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Blais
Sen. ComerfordSummary
Creates a commission to explore methods to implement universal paid family and medical leave for public and quasi-public state employees.Status
Bill was assigned to the Labor & Workforce Development Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Rogers
Rep. Montaño
Sen. JehlenSummary
Allows for cities and towns to pass rent stabilization ordinances, giving local governments the opportunity to prevent rent increases that would otherwise make people’s current homes unaffordable to them.Status
Bill was assigned to the Municipalities & Regional Government Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Sousa
Rep. DonahueSummary
Would protect all low-income state residents from eviction by codifying and streamlining access to DHCD’s homelessness prevention programs.Status
Bill was assigned to the Housing Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Sen. EldridgeSummary
Increases transparency of the legislative process by requiring a minimum notice before legislative hearings, posting legislative committee member votes in a timely manner, and subjects the Office of the Governor to public records disclosure law. Further, it requires legislative committees to make efforts to seek testimony from diverse expert witnesses.Status
Bill was assigned to the Rules Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Comerford
Sen. Kushmerek
Sen. RogersSummary
Supports family caregivers through a multi-pronged approach, including through advisory structures, financial aid or relief, enhancing healthcare, and providing anti-discrimination protection for caregiving status. Further proposes an advisory council on family caregiving and compensation for spouses who are caregivers.Status
Bill was assigned to the Revenue Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
LGBTQ+ Rights
Rep. GordonSummary
Takes away any statute of limitations for the sexual assault of a minorStatus
Bill was assigned to the Judiciary Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Sen. JehlenSummary
Creates a commission on the status of transgender people to study and report on current issues affecting transgender individuals in the Commonwealth to inform other governmental entities on how to best support such communities.Status
Bill was assigned to the State Administration & Regulatory Oversight Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Sen. CyrSummary
In reclassifying licensed electrologists under state law, this Bill seeks to allow for insurance coverage of hair removal procedures when such procedures are necessary for gender affirming care.Status
Bill was assigned to the Financial Services Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Montaño
Sen. CyrSummary
Mandates the collection of voluntary self-identification demographic information about sexuality and gender identity to allow for better healthcare to be provided to LGBTQ+ communities.Status
Bill was assigned to the Public Health Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Higgins
Sen. CyrSummary
Enhances insurance coverage for assisted reproductive technology or fertility treatment used by same-sex couples, including increasing professional training on providing such services to LGBTQ+ families.Status
Bill was assigned to the Financial Services Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Nguyen
Rep. Ultrino
Sen. GomezSummary
Provides inclusive education acknowledging the contributions of historically underrepresented groups. Mandates that topics such as slavery, segregation, immigration, and discrimination be addressed.Status
Bill was assigned to the Education Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. GordonSummary
Details the sentencing and punishment for any school or government official who sexually assaults a minor.Status
Reintroduced in 2025 Legislative Session, awaiting Committee Assignments.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Domb
Rep. Montaño
Sen. ComerfordSummary
Updates the State Plumbing Code to allow for the installation of gender-neutral bathroom facilities which can accommodate more than one individual at a time.Status
Bill was assigned to the State Administration & Regulatory Oversight Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Sabadosa
Rep. Lewis
Sen. ComerfordSummary
This Bill would change the process for legal name changes to allow for name change petitions to be sealed from public access to protect an applicant’s personal privacy and safety. This is particularly important for the Transgender and Gender Non-Confirming/Nonbinary communities as well as survivors of domestic violence.Status
Bill was assigned to the Judiciary Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Lewis
Rep. Montaño
Sen. CyrSummary
Mandates the appointment of an LGBTQ+ outreach coordinator at each Massachusetts correctional facility to, among other offerings, provide free access to HIV prevention and management medication while incarcerated and to ensure continued access to such medication upon release.Status
Bill was assigned to the Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Moran
Rep. Scanlon
Sen. CyrSummary
Students have a right to receive educational and age-appropriate information from libraries. Ensures that public schools and libraries can continue to offer inclusive educational materials without censorship on the basis of political or personal views. Creates comprehensive procedures for the selection and evaluation of library materials and subjects the removal of such materials to procedures meant to safeguard the right to learn.Status
Bill was assigned to the Tourism, Arts & Cultural Development Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Higgins
Rep. Barber
Sen. ComerfordSummary
Those seeking gender reaffirming care will not be asked for more than one letter from a mental health care professional by corporations, insurance provider, the commission, or health official.Status
Bill was assigned to the Financial Services Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Gender Based Violence
Rep. Natalie M. Blais
Sen. Michael MooreSummary
The misuse of the court system by people who cause harm to further tactics of abusive power and control is referred to as abusive litigation. These tactics can force survivors to appear repeatedly in court at their emotional and financial expense. This bill provides courts with a tool to curb abusive litigation and mitigate its harms.Status
Bill was assigned to the Judiciary Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Barber
Rep. Donato
Sen. CreemSummary
Legislation to mandate domestic violence and sexual assault awareness education for aestheticians, barbers, cosmetologists, electrologists, hairdressers, manicurists, and massage therapistsStatus
Bill was assigned to the Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Jones, Jr.Summary
Prohibiting motor vehicle tracking devices without consent.Status
Reintroduced in 2025 Legislative Session, awaiting Committee Assignments.As of 3/18/25
Rep. SabadosaSummary
Promote the health and safety of people working in the sex trade.Status
Reintroduced in 2025 Legislative Session, awaiting Committee Assignments.As of 3/18/25
Constitutional Equity
Rep. Donaghue
Rep. Moran
Sen. CreemSummary
Requires the Secretary to arrange inspection of all polling places and early voting sites at least once every four years, to ensure compliance with federal and state disability accessibility laws. Cities and towns not in compliance must take immediate action to comply and file a compliance plan, and the Attorney General can enforce compliance in court.Status
Bill was assigned to the Election Laws Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Gentile
Sen. CreemSummary
Same Day Voter Registration allows all eligible voters to register or update their registration in-person on Election Day or early voting days. In doing so, it eliminates the current, arbitrary 10-day registration windowStatus
Bill was assigned to the Election Laws Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Arriaga
Sen. CreemSummary
In decoupling the municipal census (which records the number of citizens in an area) from the voter rolls (which includes party affiliation), this Bill seeks to curb partisan gerrymandering.Status
Bill was assigned to the Election Laws Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/18/25
Rep. Nguyen
Rep. Shand
Sen. LewisSummary
Ensures gender parity and racial and ethnic diversity on public boards and commissions. Asks for transparency, data collection, and reporting of public board and commission membership in order to disclose the gaps of representation.Status
Bill was assigned to the State Administration & Regulatory Oversight Committee and is waiting for a hearing.As of 3/13/25