Pass the Healthy Youth Act NOW!

Dear Mass NOW family, 

The Healthy Youth Act (HB673, SB318) has a hearing TODAY at 12PM and we need YOU to submit testimony to the Joint Education Committee to urge them to report this bill favorably out of committee. For over ten years, Mass NOW has been a supporter of the Healthy Youth Act because we are committed to a society in which young people have the information and tools necessary to make informed choices about their own bodies, without stigma.

The Healthy Youth Act will provide an education framework that ensures students receive:

  • Comprehensive, age appropriate, and medically accurate information

  • Content and material that is LGBTQ+ inclusive

  • Information on healthy relationships, boundaries, and consent 

This is a critical piece of legislation that once passed will equip today's youth with the knowledge, tools, and information necessary to make informed choices regarding their bodies. 

Join us virtually for the testimony today at noon and advocate for a feminist future in the Commonwealth!

In solidarity,

Bria Gambrell & Sasha Goodfriend

Mass NOW Directors 

Upcoming Chapter Meeting: Reproductive Justice

Mass NOW members: Join our monthly chapter meetings to hear updates on our legislative agenda and participate in consciousness raisings with our diverse, multi-generational feminist community. Over dessert and wine, we strengthen our personal narratives and educate our communities about our priority issue areas. This month we’ll be talking about the movement for reproductive justice.

Reproductive justice is about access, not choice, and yet we know that it is not often seen as a human right for all. We hope you will be able to join us as we unpack the multilayers to reproductive justice and find ways to move towards reproductive liberation.

Testimony Writing Workshop

Wednesday, June 2nd, 6:30PM

Join Mass NOW and Beacon Bloc for a workshop on how to turn your truth into testimony! The I AM Bill is scheduled for hearing on June 7th, so this is a great opportunity to flex your skills and write your testimony in support of the bill! 

No experience is necessary for this interactive workshop where State House staffers will walk you through an overview of how a bill becomes law, and how we can turn our lived experience into impactful testimony and advance our feminist agenda.


Upcoming Event: Let’s Talk About Sex with Senator Julian Cyr

What is it going to take to pass comprehensive and inclusive sex ed and menstrual education policy in Massachusetts? Join us on Thursday June 17th for an intimate conversation with Senator Julian Cyr and hear about the movement. 

This dynamic conversation will be facilitated by Chastity Bowick, Executive Director of the Transgender Emergency Fund, and will include a how-to tutorial on making the best Sexy drink for those long nights after fighting to end the patriarchy. 

Thank you Senate President Spilka!

We were honored to host Senate President Karen Spilka for our Matriarchy NOW event last week. We heard from Senate President Spilka the hot-off-the-press budget update and talk deeper together about the ongoing work. If you weren't able to make it, or want to rewatch your favorite parts, we've added it to our Member Portal.

Not-so-fun-fact: There have been more than 20,000 men and only 298 women elected to office. In our fight towards liberation, these are the numbers that gut us. We have to find ways to better support women and nonbinary folks running for office, and we are grateful to do that work with our community! 

Thank you and we hope you can join us at our next event! 


Turn your Truth into Testimony TONIGHT at 6:30PM with Beacon Bloc


Honoring Matriarchs