Menstrual Equity Advocacy Day

Wow—what an incredible Menstrual Equity Advocacy Day! Over 100 of you showed up, spoke out, and took action, and we are so grateful to each and every one of you for your dedication to this movement. Together, we:

✨ Heard from 15 inspiring speakers who energized and empowered us to keep fighting for menstrual equity.

🏛️ Held 40+ impactful meetings with legislators, making sure our voices were heard loud and clear.

📞📧 Drove dozens of phone calls and emails urging lawmakers to co-sponsor our menstrual equity agenda—a huge step forward!

It’s incredible to see how far we’ve come. Six years ago, there were no bills even mentioning periods in Massachusetts. Today, we’ve reached a historic milestone—with a record-breaking number of menstrual equity bills filed! We are so excited to see the depth and breadth of menstrual equity legislation being proposed, and it’s all because of your dedication and advocacy.

In the face of relentless attacks on reproductive justice and a growing population in need, it is more important than ever to fight for our rights. That’s why it’s so energizing to be doubling down on our need to make informed decisions about our bodily autonomy and menstrual care. Access to menstrual products is not just about hygiene—it’s about dignity, equity, and our fundamental right to control our own bodies.

It's not too late to call and email your legislators!

This is just the beginning—let’s keep up the fight! Stay tuned for more ways to stay involved, and if you haven’t already, be sure to follow up with your legislators to keep the pressure on. Met with or called your legislator?

Fill out the Feedback Form to let us know, and Email your Legislators to follow up on your meeting/call. 

Advocate folder: Includes advocacy materials, the lobby training, legislator script, and fact sheets. 


Start of Session Legislative Update: March 2025


ACTION ALERT: Write your legislators to co-sponsor our menstrual equity legislative agenda!