The 14th Annual Feminist Affair!

THANK YOU for celebrating with us at the Feminist Affair last night 🩷

Together we celebrated our vibrant feminist community, and it was beautiful.

We recognized our Lifetime Achievement Awardees: Representative Sarah Peake, Representative Ruth Balser, Representative Denise Garlick, and Senator Susan Moran. These women have been champions of feminist legislation on Beacon Hill for their entire careers, and we could not have been happier to celebrate with them in their last years serving their districts.

Additionally, it was an honor to recognize our 6 Feminist in Action Awardees: 

Claire Coder, CEO of Aunt Flow, Ellen Cynar, Co-COO at UNICORN, Katie Diasti, Founder and CEO of Viv for your V, Penelope Finnie, CEO of Egal, Arion Long, Founder and CEO of Femly, and Ceylan Rowe, Founder and CEO of FIHRI. These feminists are revolutionizing the menstrual product industry and changing the way that menstruators are supported, and are able to support themselves. 

Together we danced along with Violencia Exclamation Point and Brae Edwards, two of our favorite drag queens! And DJ Why Sham kept us moving and grooving all night long.

An extra shout out to our sponsors and Host Committee members: Annie Schreiber from Kilpatrick Strategies Co., Broadway Hospitality Group, Gina Marie Jamieson, Kathleen Gasperine, Cheryl Garrity, State Rep Jay Livingstone, Amanda Mehlman, Ellie Adair, Boston City Councilor Gabriela Coletta Zapata, State Rep Chynah Tyler, and State Rep Sam Montaño.

Check out some pictures from last week! All photos are from Ally Schmaling


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