Change is Coming!

We made it! 

Four years ago it felt like the Trump administration nightmare was never going to end. But on Tuesday we watched as the first South Asian and Black woman was sworn in as our 46th Vice President. We know this does not mean that white supremacy will suddenly disappear, but we are hopeful for the future that is ahead of us with this administration. 

We head into this administration with hopeful words from the youngest Poet Laureate, and the youngest inaugural poet, Amanda Gorman: “That even as we grieved, we grew,/ That even as we hurt, we hoped,/ That even as we tried, we tried,/ That we’ll forever be tied together, victorious- / Not because we will never again know defeat / But because we will never again sow division.”

In solidarity,

Bria Gambrell and Sasha Goodfriend

Mass NOW Co Directors

Now Starting Monthly Chapter Meetings!

In an effort to build a more intentional community and movement, our monthly chapter meeting will be for members only. Join us on the last Wednesday of every month to hear updates on our legislative agenda and participate in consciousness raisings with our diverse, multi-generational feminist community. Over dessert and wine, we strengthen our personal narratives and learn how to take action on our feminist agenda. This month we’re talking about periods and menstrual equity with our coalition partners from the Menstrual Equity Coalition. 

Become a member today for any amount to gain access and hear from some amazing social justice warriors throughout the Commonwealth fighting for equality for all! Grab our mocktails and meet us on Zoom on Wednesday January 27th from 6-8PM.

Sign up now for our upcoming Chapter meetings!

Mass NOW State Conference

You’re invited to join us for our annual State Conference to convene our intergenerational and intersectional feminist community from around the state to hear about our agenda for 2021, the 192nd legislative session & elect our new leadership board. 

Mass NOW is accepting nominations for the Board of Directors until February 27, 2021. Board members serve on both the Mass NOW Inc and Mass NOW Foundation boards, which are fun-loving, multi-generational boards of committed, vibrant, passionate individuals. We are committed to having at least 50% representation of women of color, and LGBTQIA+, youth and feminists from all corners of the Commonwealth are encouraged to apply. At our State Conference we will be voting on the following positions: Board President, Treasurer, VP of Governance, Secretary and four at-large board members.

On the Agenda:

  • Keynote by National NOW President, Christian Nunes

  • Feminist Power Networking

  • Collective Movement Visioning

  • Elections for the 2021-2023 Mass NOW INC & Foundation Leadership Boards


Massachusetts Lawmakers: Prioritize Period Poverty in the Pandemic Recovery Plan


Counting Every Win: Period Policy Passes in Massachusetts!