Menstrual Products are NECESSITIES.
Convening Feminists During COVID-19
Social distancing won't stop us from building feminist community and taking action! When every day feels like we're living Groundhog's Day and so much is out of our control, our work is a way to mark to the progress we can make, together. On Wednesday, the Massachusetts Menstrual Equity Coalition met to discuss the current state of emergency around access to menstrual products, on Friday we had a Mass NOW meet up and discussed how distance learning is going (and isn't) and yesterday NOW State Presidents from around the country met for the third time to discuss the best and the worst of state actions to protect or attack our core issue areas and how we can share resources to take action. Check out the COVID-19 resources at the end of the newsletter for more information.
To all the nurses, caregivers, parents, teachers, delivery workers, restaurant workers, people staying home to help us flatten the curve - thank you! We are in this together.
In solidarity,
Sasha Goodfriend
State President, Mass NOW
Periods don't stop during COVID-19
We are joining forces with Dignity Matters to provide emergency support for thousands of homeless menstruators and their families in Boston and Lowell. Go to to find a donation bin near you and donate directly for menstrual products.
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COVID-19 Resources
National NOW: COVID-19 Resources for Women
Massachusetts Public Health Association - Contact Governor Baker
Urgent Action: Short-term Relief for Families in Deep Poverty - click here to email your legislators
NARAL-MA Guide to Abortion in Massachusetts
Emergency drop-in childcare began Monday
How to talk to your kids about COVID-19 and learning resources