Help Us Close the Gap!

Dear Mass NOW Community,

We’ve been busy! Check out our first Co Director update where Sasha talks about her appointment to the National NOW board and Bria shares highlights from some of our conversations this month!

Mass NOW is transitioning from a working-board model to a compensated Co Director model, and is accepting nominations for the Board of Directors. Board members serve on both the Mass NOW Inc and Mass NOW Foundation boards, which are fun-loving, multi-generational boards of committed, vibrant, passionate individuals. We are committed to having at least 50% representation of women of color, and LGBTQIA+, youth and feminists from all corners of the Commonwealth are encouraged to apply. At our State Conference in March 2020 we will be voting on the following positions: Board President, Treasurer, VP of Governance, and four at-large board members. Learn more about the available positions here.


Bria Gambrell and Sasha Goodfriend

Mass NOW Co - Directors 

We Need You to Help us

Close the Gap: 

Through the uncertainty of the pandemic, the Mass NOW team continued fighting to improve the lives of women, girls, and all marginalized genders across the Commonwealth. With your support, look at all we accomplished: 

  • 578 new vibrant multi-generational card carrying members joined mass now

  • 190+ activists and organizations joined the Massachusetts menstrual equity coalition

  • 26 NOW State Chapters joined our campaign for anti-racist leadership in National NOW

  • 24 public events to educate and mobilize our feminist community

And to top it off, we did all of this with an almost all volunteer team. We know if we want to sustain our growing movement, we need to be able to compensate more feminist organizers to do this work. Since COVID is preventing us from being together in-person at the Feminist Affair, Mass NOW has $9,000 to go to meet our end of year fundraising goal we need to sustain our feminist agenda in 2021.

Help us close the gap to sustain Mass NOW’s 2021 Feminist Agenda

​& dig in to dismantling racism within NOW. 

Take Action on our Massachusetts Feminist Agenda NOW! 

The Roe Act Coalition has been working all legislative session to improve equitable abortion access by removing racist and discriminatory barriers for young people and making it easier for families to access care in the case of a lethal fetal diagnosis.  We should all have the right to choice around our bodies - period. But Governor Baker doesn’t fully agree - he undermined legislative provisions from the Legislature to protect and expand abortion access in Massachusetts and passed an anti-choice amendment

The people of the Commonwealth have made their support for these provisions clear - and the House and the Senate have now rejected Governor Baker’s anti-choice amendment. It is imperative we get Governor Baker to listen. Send a message to Governor Baker today and urge him not to veto the legislature’s abortion access provisions.

This month Mass NOW helped organize a panel on the impact of policing and prisons on the LGBTQ community, and women and girls of color at the 4th Biennial New England Women’s Policy Conference. We heard from several amazing speakers and felt hopeful that theRacial Justice Police Accountability billwould be passed by Governor Baker. Unfortunately, Baker sent the bill back to the legislature striking out all of Section 26 which includes facial surveillance regulations, moves training out of the purview of a community led organization and back under the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. Police reform and prison abolition are key feminist issues that disproportionately impact women of color. We need you to contact Governor Baker to tell him how disappointed you are and contact your legislators to tell them we don’t want additional amendments to be added to the bill.

Get Out the Vote in Georgia! 

Click Here to Register! 


We Will Organize With More Fervor Than Ever Before


12/21/20 Co Director Update